Guide / JavaScript /


Stores are used to manage the state of our APP. First we have to create a store with our initial state.

import { createStore } from 'dop';

const store = createStore({ red: 0, blue: 0 });

Then we subscribe to that store.

store.subscribe(patch => {
    console.log('patch', patch)
    // rerender component

And finally we apply a patch and notify the listener.

const listeners = store.applyPatch({ red:1 })

listeners.forEach(({ listener, patch }) => listener(patch))


This is one way to unsubscribe.

const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(patch => {})
store.listeners.size // 1
store.listeners.size // 0

This is the other way.

const listener = patch => {}
store.listeners.size // 1
store.listeners.size // 0


When subscribing, the second argument can be a function that filters what patches must be ignored.

const store = createStore({ users: 0 })
// Subscribing listener1
// Subscribing listener2 with a filter
store.subscribe(listenerFunction2, () => false)

// Patching
const listeners = store.applyPatch({ users: 1 })
listeners.length // 2
listeners[0].mutations.length // 1
listeners[0].patch // { users: 1 }
listeners[0].unpatch // { users: 0 }

listeners[1].mutations.length // 0
listeners[1].patch // { }
listeners[1].unpatch // { }

If we don't pass filter, by default is a function that always returns true. ()=>true

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